PageSpeed Insight Optimization

The7 introduces the most effective way to get high score from PageSpeed Insight:

  1. Install and configure Fast Velocity Minify plugin.
  2. For Elementor users, refer to Elementor -> Settings -> The7 Advanced Settings (fig. 1): 
    Fig. 1. Enable FVM integration for Elementor users.

    Fig. 1. Enable FVM integration for Elementor users.


  3. For WPBakery users, refer to Theme Options -> Advanced -> Advanced Settings (fig. 2) and activate “Enable Fast Velocity Minify plugin integration” option.

    Fig. 1. Enable FVM plugin integration.

    Fig. 2. Enable FVM plugin integration.

  4. Activate “Beautiful Loading” in the same tab.

Also, don’t forget to go through standard speed-up steps described here.